By default, the End of Month formula returns the last day of the month based on a given date.

A positive number of months returns a date in the future.

A negative number of months returns a date in the past.

It is easier to work with start of the month, then last day of the month.

The formula for the first of the month is eomonth (A1,-1)+1


1. Extract a given number of characters from the left hand side of the cell

2. Counts how many characters are in a cell.

LEN ( “Excel”) = 5

3. Extract a given number of characters starting from a specific character in the text

4. Find a given character and return it’s position within the text in a cell. You can choose the starting character number

5. Converts the first letter of each word to capital letter and the rest to lower letters.

PROPER ( “excel is great” ) = Excel Is Great

6. Converts the text to all capitals letters. UPPER ( “excel” ) = EXCEL

7. Converts the text to all lowercase letters. LOWER ( “ TEst”) = test

8. Eliminates spaces at the beginning and ending of the text. Also removes extra spaces in between words.
TRIM ( “ This is a test “ ) = This is a test

For Example : 


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