Excel Functions – Math

Excel FunctionDescription
Excel INT Function

Excel INT Function can be used when you want to get the integer portion of a number.



Input Arguments

number – the number for which you want to get the integer value.

Excel MOD Function

Excel MOD function can be used when you want to get the remainder when one number is divided by another. It returns a numerical value that represents the remainder when one number is divided by another.


=MOD(number, divisor)

Input Arguments

number – A numeric value for which you want to find the remainder.

divisor – A number with which you want to divide the number argument. If the divisor is 0, then it will return the #DIV/0! error.

Excel RAND Function

Excel RAND function can be used when you want to generate evenly distributed random numbers between 0 and 1. It returns a number between 0 and 1



Input Arguments

RAND function does not take any input arguments. It is used with empty parenthesis.

Excel RANDBETWEEN Function

Excel RANDBETWEEN function can be used when you want to generate evenly distributed random numbers between a top and bottom range specified by the user. It returns a number between the top and bottom range specified by the user.


=RANDBETWEEN(bottom, top)

Input Arguments

bottom – The smallest integer RANDBETWEEN will return.

top – The largest integer RANDBETWEEN will return.

Excel ROUND Function

Excel ROUND function can be used when you want to return a number rounded to a specified number of digits.


=ROUND(number, num_diguts)

Input Arguments

number – the number that you want to round.

num_digits – the number of digits to which you want to round the number argument.

Excel SUM FunctionExcel SUM function can be used to add all numbers in a range of cells.

Input Argumentsnumber1 – the first number you want to add. It can be a cell reference, a cell range, or can be manually entered.[number2] – (Optional) the second number you want to add. It can be a cell reference, a cell range, or can be manually entered.Syntax=SUM(number1, [number2],…])
Excel SUMIF Function

Excel SUMIF function can be used when you want to add the values in a range if the specified condition is met.


=SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range])

Input Arguments

range – the range of cells against which the criteria is evaluated. It could be numbers, text, arrays, or references that contain numbers.

criteria – the criteria that is checked against the range and determines which cells to add.

sum_range – (optional) the cells to add. If this argument is omitted, it uses range as the sum_range.

Excel SUMIFS Function

Excel SUMIFS function can be used when you want to add the values in a range if multiple specified criteria are met.


=SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], …)

Input Arguments

range – the range of cells against which the criteria is evaluated. It could be numbers, text, arrays, or references that contain numbers. Blank and text values are ignored.

criteria – the criteria that is checked against the range and determines which cells to add.

sum_range – (optional) the cells to add. If this argument is omitted, it uses range as the sum_range.

[criteria_range2] – (optional) the range of cells against which the criteria2 is evaluated.

criteria2 – the criteria that is checked against the criteria_range2 and determines which cells to add.

Excel SUMPRODUCT Function

Excel SUMPRODUCT function can be used when you want to first multiply two or more sets to arrays and then get its sum


=SUMPRODUCT(array1, [array2], [array3], …)

Input Arguments

array1 – The first array argument whose components you want to multiply and then add.

[array 2] – (optional) Second array arguments whose components you want to multiply and then add. There can be a maximum of up to 255 arrays that can be used in SUMPRODUCT function.


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